Our Work

People in Syria have been impacted by multiple shocks and stresses since the conflict began in 2011 and for many affected communities, the significant loss of assets, income, confidence and hope has made it challenging, if not seemingly impossible to recover and rebuild their livelihoods.

Leveraging the combined expertise and capacities of its six consortium members, the SRC helped strengthen the resilience of individuals, households and communities across Syria, specifically targeting vulnerable and marginalized groups such as women, youth and persons with disabilities.

The work of the SRC included activities such as: Cash transfers, provision of agricultural inputs, technical and vocational training, job placement and on-the-job training, field farmer schools, loans and grants to start and expand businesses, rehabilitation of infrastructure, training and awareness campaigns to promote fair business practices and challenge discrimination, training for community members to provide psychological first aid, establishment of safe spaces for women, children and the elderly, specific inclusion intervention mechanisms.

Read our information brochure here.

Read our factsheet here.

Temporary income through cash-for-work programmes
Vocational or business skills training, internship and apprenticeship placements
Small business grants
Productive assets for food production
Agricultural inputs
Rehabilitation of economic and public infrastructure
Rehabilitation of economic and public infrastructure
Promoting gender responsive programming
Inclusion of people with disabilities